Chesed Projects

Projects that involve welfare and emergency
responses to a wide spectrum of needs.

The projects with partners

We work optimally by sharing resources, human capital, and fostering collaborations.

We study the field to gain a comprehensive understanding.

We verify that the need is genuine and determine our part in addressing it.

We respect everyone, understanding that we all give and receive together.

We work swiftly and efficiently while maintaining calculated and serious operations.

We strive to assist by connecting different parts of our nation.

Our assistance is given with love and humility, aiming to strengthen personal and national resilience.

We pray for blessing and success, for precision and integrity in all our endeavors.

Areas of Assistance

Vulnerable populations, the sick and their families, war victims, people who have lost their homes, material and emotional support, children, “Met Mitzvah” - burial for individuals without family, essential equipment during war and on the home front, assistance in Israel and the Diaspora, medical advice in third-world countries, and more.

The projects with partners

Join Us

We want to be a light.
A light to those around us, to our community,
to our people, and to the whole world.